Yang Mu was born in 1940 in the small coastal city of Huilan in east Taiwan as Ching-hsien Wang. He received his BA in English from Tunghai University in Taiwan, his MFA from the University of Iowa, and his PhD in comparative literature from the University of California at Berkeley. He has taught at many universities in North America, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, but he spent most of his academic career at the University of Washington, Seattle. He has also served in important administrative positions, including the founding dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at the National Dong Hwa University in his hometown of Hualian and the founding director of the Institute of Literature and Philosophy at Academia Sinica, the premiere national research institution in Taiwan. He currently holds an endowed chair at Dong Hwa.

Yang Mu has been writing poetry continuously for sixty years. The longevity of his career is matched by his extraordinary creativity, which has exerted a transformative influence on Taiwanese poetry in general from the 1950s to the present. His poetry assimilates the best that the Chinese and the Western traditions have to offer, deftly blending classicism and surrealism, romanticism and modernism. His poetry may be lyrical or dramatic, contemplative or defiant, elegiac or erotic. In an age when poetry is indisputably considered to be minority literature, Yang Mu enjoys enduring popularity among readers of several generations. His accomplishments beyond the realm of poetry are demonstrable in prose, literary criticism, scholarship on classical Chinese poetry, comparative literature, and editing, as well as the translation of poetry.

Yang Mu has been married to Ying-ying Hsia for thirty-five years; they have a son, Bruce.────Michelle Yeh



《水之湄》(On the Water Margin: A Collection of Poems)(台北:藍星詩社1960


聽過德布西的交響詩〈牧神的午後─序曲〉嗎?這首曠世不朽的午後催眠曲,堪稱牧歌情調在音樂中最極致的表現。德布西這樣說明名曲背後的典故:「這首序曲自由揮灑地以音樂詮釋瑪拉梅美麗的詩篇。當然絕非亦步亦趨的唱和。樂曲試圖將燥熱的午後掠過牧神慾念和夢境的一幕幕景象烘托出來。然後,在追逐驚嚇四逃的水妖與木魅好一陣子之後,疲憊了的牧神酣然入睡,在如癡如醉的睡鄉裡,他終於實現把天地萬物攬入懷中,與之合而為一的夢想。」17歲的少年詩人葉珊寫出〈水之湄〉這首揭開楊牧一生創作志業的「序曲」詩,是否與瑪拉梅的詩作有關?靈感是否來自覃子豪在藍星詩社雅集所做的引介?留待史家考證。更耐人尋味的是,從詩人的初試啼聲中,我們可以讀到他對「創造性閒逸」(creative indolence)早慧的肯定。不久,這種精神嚮往導引他就讀於東海時嘗試翻譯濟慈長詩Endymion─一首神話史詩與牧歌的綜合體。甚至,楊牧中年時強調「抽象與疏離」的美學取徑,晚年寫作和陶詩,都可視為牧歌情懷源遠流長的延續。就算拋開文學史或生命史的定位不談,這首少作音律渾然天成、情思任真可喜,即使直觀閱讀,仍經得起再三玩味。寂寞的十七歲,人人內心都有屬於自己的秘密基地。葉珊的秘密基地似乎取景自花蓮美崙溪旁,視界裡的鳳尾草、蒲公英、雲朵,以及聽覺裡潺潺的水聲,加上一頂鄉土味的斗笠,既風格化暗示牧童的身份,又寫實反映東台灣午後熾熱的日頭,這些習常的意象經過象徵藝術的匠心獨運,一個牧歌的詩境疏淡成形,造就了他的秘密基地─寂寞、夢幻、甜美,可以任由他揮灑天真與不羈的淘氣。然而,讓鳳尾草從袴下長到肩膀的時間軌跡,成長必須面臨的擔當和磨難,其實只是暫時遺忘。這首少年牧歌之所以耐人尋味,因為字裡行間隱微暗藏了現實與夢境之間的張力─這是早慧詩人的印記。當然,一首水聲盈耳的詩豈能欠缺音樂性?構成母題的水聲和足音與疊句「四個下午」複沓出現,加上ㄧ、ㄛ/ㄡ、ㄟ/ㄞ等母音在句中、句尾交錯共振,尤其詩的結尾,以「午寐」、「不能來」與詩題「水之湄」押韻,首尾呼應,圓熟譜出一首如歌的行板。

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